News and Updates

September 1, 2011

David Copeland · September 1, 2011
Newsletter · Volume: 11 Issue: 9

As I write this newsletter, a team of young adults from Alabama that was participating in our first Youth Conference has returned to the US and I am in our last week of ministry here in Kenya for the summer.

Time and space will not allow me to give a detailed news report to you, but I want to share a few highlights that stick out in my mind:

In spite of the major challenges, God gave us major victories! The main victory: well over 1,000 people gave their lives to Jesus through the various crusades, conferences and outreaches. Last Saturday night alone there were so many people receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism we could not count them all.  Over 50 Pastors registered for this session of our Pastors Training in Kilgoris. Many others attended but failed to register.

Testimonies of healing have come to us from each crusade in both Lodwar and in Kilgoris. In Lodwar, knots in stomachs disappeared and a young man’s shoulder that had been broken was instantly healed. After coming for prayer, he was able to have full motion with his arm and shoulder. These are just a couple of the numerous healings that took place.

I want to thank Andrew Peters, Aaron & Sarah Bowman, Tyler Mock and Dave Johnson for taking part in this year’s August Outreach. Each individual was used by God in a unique way; heaven alone will reveal the magnitude of what has been done.

Another highlight of the trip came in Turkana and the village of Katapakoi, about 10 kilometers from Lodwar. If you have watched the news in recent weeks, you might have seen the devastation that has taken place in that region due to an ongoing famine that has gripped the Horn of Africa.

Your giving to Revival Now enabled us to help buy flour, loaves of bread, and bags of corn meal that is used to make Ugalli, a staple food in East Africa. God literally multiplied our efforts and we were able to feed the entire village for a couple of days. At least four different pastors told me these people have never even eaten loaf bread in their lives. We were also able to send a tanker truck filled with drinking water to the village for a day. One of our partners purchased 25 large sacks of beans that will be shipped to Lodwar for distribution this week. Needless to say, there was great joy in that city…be watching our website for video footage of that outreach.

Another blessing was 48 hours after we left Lodwar, we were told by our pastoral contacts from that area, it rained a substantial rain in that region for the first time in over three years. I realize America has it’s problems and Revival Now is well aware of them; but when you see a picture of a dead baby sucking on a dead mother’s breast, you cannot sit back and ignore the issue and hope it will go away. Your giving helped us to at least be a miracle for a day.

Doors of opportunity continue to explode open for us across Kenya. I’m not speaking in hyper-evangelistic terms; it is the truth. The cry for our Pastors Training Program is coming from all across East Africa. God has granted us much favor in so many areas; at this moment we do not have the time or the resources to walk through each open door. I know God doesn’t want us to walk through every open door. Please pray that God will give us wisdom in the coming days as to the doors we need to walk through and the doors we need to ignore.

You can read a more detailed run down of the news on our August Kenya outreach by visiting our blog at

Thank you to each an every pastor, church, individual and business that contributed to our August Campaign. Without friends and partners like you, we could not fulfill our assignment for this hour. The fall revival season in the US is completely full (to God be ALL the Glory!). Pam and I are looking forward to what God is going to do in the coming months as we travel across the United States.

The calling of God to the nations continues to beat stronger and stronger in my heart! Last month I stated how I recently posted on Facebook that I never signed up to be a missionary or a missionary evangelist! I never really wanted to leave the United States; God knows we need some major prophetic preaching at home. But when God called…I just did not have the guts (yes, I said guts) to tell God no.

Thank you for believing in us, and for supporting our part of the Great Commission!

Let the fire fall!
David & Pam