News and Updates

November 1, 2011

David Copeland · November 1, 2011
Newsletter · Volume: 11 Issue: 11

It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of another year. It’s equally hard to fathom Revival Now Ministries is officially eleven years old this month. Pam and I have been traveling full time for over ten of those eleven years!

I wanted to take the time this month to share some direction I sense the Lord may be taking us as we enter 2012.

United States Missions

The United States has become one of the largest mission fields in the world. Even with all our problems, chaos and uncertainty, this is still the only nation in the world people are trying to get into and not get out of.

God made me a promise as a young Baptist preacher kid in 1978 that I would be a part of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit since the Day of Pentecost.

Pam and I will continue to conduct revival campaigns, Sunday services and missions outreaches all across the US. But we are also sensing the Lord leading us to be more selective in where we go in the coming months. We have spent the last ten years traveling to mainly small rural churches, many of them hungry for a move of the Spirit…but we have also labored in many churches that were NOT hungry for true revival fire to fall.

This has taken a toll on my health that I cannot ignore any longer. We will still conduct revival meetings all across the US; we will have to be more selective in where we go in the coming months. We want to see God pour out His Spirit wherever we go in fullness; but that is not determined by how “anointed” I preach: it’s really about how hungry people are.

Not everyone wants revival: we do! And that’s where we want to go. This will take a level of faith for us to walk in to know the places He wants us to go to. We also continue to be available for marriage retreats and seminars as well as leadership training here in the US.

International Outreaches

Pam and I will continue our work in Kenya in 2012 with four trips scheduled: April, June, August & December. We will continue to conduct crusades, conventions, as well as the Maasai Vocational Pastors Training in Kilgoris Kenya. We have plans to expand our Pastors Training with two sessions in Lodwar Turkana in the months of April and August 2012. The cost of each of these trips is over $10,000 US each time we go.

Revival Now Ministries also has a Child Sponsorship program in Kenya. You can sponsor a child to attend the Maasai Christian Academic Centre in Kilgoris. $40.00 per child/per month provides a student with full tuition, room, board, uniform and supplies, three hot meals a day and a chance to learn about Jesus Christ as well as receive a quality education. Revival Now makes no money on this project: this is the actual cost per child. MACAC Academy is consistently scoring as one of the top schools in Western Kenya. Thanks to our partners who are currently sponsoring one of our children there.

In 2012, we are hoping to expand our Pastors Training into Nicaragua, as well as take other trips abroad as the doors open.

Revival Now Network of Ministries

A focus of ministry we’ve not spoken much about is our Revival Now International Network of Ministries. Since 2003, God has been speaking to us about networking churches, ministers and ministries together who will contend together for the next Great Awakening. We will also be offering license and ordination through a networking agreement with another ministry that specializes in ordaining ministers. We will expand our local and regional leadership meetings and also hope to expand our Annual Summer Camp Meeting that will be held again this year around the July 4th week. If you are interested in joining Revival Now Network of Ministries send us an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). You do not have to leave your current denomination or fellowship group to join us.

Blogging and Internet Video

For the last year we have been producing the Friday Fire Video Email that lands in email inboxes all over the world most every Friday morning. It has been a great blessing to many people and we have had some very positive feedback. We hope to expand our TV outreach that is currently airing on Lagrange Georgia on WJCN as well as offer video streaming and live webcasts from our Ustream account, Revival Now TV. You can also find a host of other information on our website
There are many other areas of ministry we are working to implement in the coming days. But none of it is possible without the help of our faithful monthly partners. We have never had to beg for money and we never will. We will always let you know what we are doing, and just ask you to obey God, whatever it is He tells you to do. But it does take money to preach the Gospel. A lot of money. While we don’t spend a lot of money sending gifts to our partners each month, but we want you to know we are very grateful for your giving to Revival Now and we are doing our best to use and steward the resources you give to us wisely.

One day when we stand before God, someone from Kenya, Guyana, Indonesia or a host of other countries will approach you and say, thank you for giving to David & Pam and Revival Now Ministries: I am in the Kingdom of God because of you!

Blessings, David & Pam