News and Updates

May 1, 2012

David Copeland · May 1, 2012
Newsletter · Volume: 12 Issue: 5

Pam and I have just completed twenty-six power packed days of ministry in Kenya East Africa. Our Quarterly Pastors Training in Kilgoris was so intense, each day we went home totally exhausted; not simply from teaching ten hours per day, but from the hunger and thirst for God that these pastors have. Hunger and thirst will draw things out of your heart from the Lord you didn’t know you had!

One of the highlights of the trip was the honor of blessing some pastors with a special resource to help them in their ministry. Cross Connection Church in Auburn Alabama and some of it’s members donated five Kindle Touch E-Readers loaded with Bibles, commentaries, concordances and other study helps to give away to some pastors. The pastors were so happy and excited to have some modern tools to help them in their ministry as well as their personal walk with the Lord. We are asking God to help us supply every pastor who completes our Maasai Pastors Training with one of these Kindle’s. If you would like to take part in this project, send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and I will tell you how. I also hope to be able to load the video of their response to our You Tube page soon. Thank you C3 for believing in our part of the Great Commission!

The last week of the trip was spent tying up loose ends, preparing for our upcoming All Church Conference sponsored by sixteen different denominational groups in the Transmara region, and taking part in a Youth Camp sponsored by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Kenya.

Aaron & Sarah Bowman from Cross Connection Auburn joined us and God used them in a mighty way. This young couple has been embraced by the Maasai youth in the Kilgoris area so much there is always a crowd ten to fifteen youth that follow them everywhere they go. When God touches person’s life through you, they will follow. That’s a powerful thought to think on…

On the last Sunday morning of our time in Kenya, I woke up thinking about the word shift. In fact, that morning I sensed a mighty shift in the Spirit for us personally as well as for the ministry. Already this year, our focus has expanded to touching even more nations of the world with the Gospel of Jesus. Another way we have “shifted” is as of March 25; Revival Now Ministries is completely debt free!

Here are two major things I personally know take place when God brings a shift into your life:

First, a shift from the Holy Spirit will bring a sifting of people, places, things, activities and ministries that are no longer needed in your life. I wish I had received a greater understanding of the times and seasons of God earlier in my walk with God. I know it would have saved me a great deal of sadness and misunderstandings over the course of my life.

There are people, places and things that will be in your life forever (like family, spouse, children); there are some people, places and things that will only be in your life for a season. One cause of great heartache and turmoil in our lives is we make seasonal people permanent fixtures. God help us understand everything about this season and everyone currently in it is actually preparing us for our next season in God.

There are some things that have served its purpose in our lives. It doesn’t mean it (or they) are evil; what is does means is this: if God is asking me to let go of what’s in my hand, it’s because He has something in His hand He is ready to release.

Second, a shift not only brings a sifting that removes bad or unnecessary things; it works so we can see the good. I can remember as a kid my Mom sifting flour and meal to remove bugs and weevils that has gotten into the bag. I have removed my fair share of pebbles and shells from beans before they were placed on the stove. Not once did I get sick or upset that something foreign was in a bag of beans or flour. I always looked at it as part of the process of preparing the meal. All I could think about were the biscuits and beans we were soon to enjoy!

Let God complete the shift in your life by removing the people, places and things that have served their purpose. Stop focusing on all you’ve given up to serve God; thank Him for working the shift in your life so others will look at the work God is doing in you…then…taste and see for themselves that the Lord is good!

As always, thank you for helping us fulfill our part of the Great Commission!

David & Pam