News and Updates

July 1, 2023

David Copeland · July 1, 2023
Newsletter · Volume: 23 Issue: 7

Hermeneutics (the study of the Bible) has a governing principle called the “Law of First Mention.” You can tell how important a doctrine or subject is in the Bible by when it is first mentioned in scripture.

God never wanted mankind to be without His Spirit: He has never wanted us to be without His Presence. Many people criticize Spirit-filled people as simply being too emotional or greatly unstable. But when you look back to the very beginning of creation, you will find God creates humans to not only need His Presence but to desire His Presence,

Gen 1:2 states “The Spirit hovered or moved over the face of the deep.” The Holy Spirit was waiting for the words to come out of God’s mouth “light be!” “animals be!” “trees & grass be” so He could enforce or activate the power of what God’s words wanted to create. English translates the phrase “let there be light,” but in Hebrew, it’s translated as “light, be!”

When you look at Genesis chapter one, you will see God spoke every plant, every tree, every animal, and every bird into existence with His Words. Then on the 6th day, God didn’t speak man into existence, but He kneeled down and, with His own hands, formed man out of the dust of the earth….(not dirt, dust). I’ve always read that passage and assumed man was made out of the earth’s dirt, but read it again: mankind was not made out of the dirt; he was made out of the dust of the earth.

Then He kneeled again and breathed into man the breath of life!

The elements were created with His word, man was created with His touch!!

He didn’t breathe His life into the oceans, fish, animals, or trees: all those were spoken into existence.

Man He formed with His hands (receiving His special touch….receiving special attention), and man was birthed with the very breath that came out of the lungs of God!!

My point is, if God gave this kind of special care & attention at the very beginning of the earth for mankind, this tells us He has NEVER wanted us to be without His Presence; He never wants us to be without His special touch in and on our lives…

Inside every one of us is a craving, a desire to know the creator in a more intimate way. Has there ever been times in which your heart ached for a special touch from the Maker? It’s there because God, in the beginning, took special care and gave special attention to creating mankind in His image and His likeness.

The questions is, what can we do to position ourselves to receive another special touch from the Master’s Hand?

We will look at that in next month’s newsletter.

Ministry Update
We recently returned home from leading twenty-one people to Hope Centre Children’s Home for our annual Hope Centre VBS. The Presence of God really helped us to minister to our twenty-seven students at Hope Centre, and every team member was greatly impacted by the ministry time there.

The best word that describes what happens at Hope Centre was spoken by our daughter Missy: pure joy. There were many breakthroughs in the students’ lives as well as the ministry team as well.

Last year, I was asked to become the Director of Foreign Affairs for AEGA Ministries, International, the fellowship I am currently ordained with; because of this and so many other responsibilities, Pam and I currently have in helping oversee different churches & ministries, in consultation with the Revival Now Board of Directors, Megan Hayslip, Missy Russell, and Madison Hayslip have been appointed as Associate Directors of Hope Centre Children’s Home. These ladies will be tasked with the responsibility of overseeing, directing, planning, and casting the current vision, as well as the future vision for Hope Centre Children’s Home. They will oversee all planning and directing of the annual Vacation Bible School, all work trips, Familiarization trips, and building and fundraising for the Centre.

In the coming days, we plan to create a separate non-profit for Hope Centre, allowing it to become its own stand-alone ministry. Pam and I will remain heavily involved in leading the ministry, but we sense it is time for this part of Revival Now to become its own entity.

We will announce further information in the coming weeks. Until then, you can continue giving to Hope Centre Children’s Home through Revival Now’s online platform or by mail as you are currently doing.

ALL gifts are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.