News and Updates

April 1, 2013

David Copeland · April 1, 2013
Newsletter · Volume: 13 Issue: 4

Almost every week someone will ask me the question, “why do you spend so much time in another country when our country is in such need”?

I then explain to them the vast majority of our time IS spend crisscrossing the U.S. doing ministry and outreaches with local churches that are seeking God for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit and leading outreaches in response to the Great Commission. Then I ask the question back, “What are you doing to help our country experience renewal and a Great Awakening”?

A great mentor in my life David Raley recently posted something on his Facebook page that truly sums up the passion of my heart. I have added a few thoughts of my own to his:


Missions is not about the gift you gave. Missions is about what you had left after you gave.

Missions is not about you receiving an instant harvest from your giving it is about you releasing your faith in Whom you are giving for (God the Father).

Missions is not about what we have done but about what we have left to do.

Missions is not about those we have won to Christ! Missions is about those we know who are still lost!

Missions is more than connecting with a community. Missions is about being wired to the world!

Missions is not about the sacrifice we make. Christ made the sacrifice! Missions is about our obedience because of His Sacrifice!

Missions is not about getting your heart in the world. Missions is about getting the world out of your heart. It’s also about catching God’s heart for the world.

We don’t give to missions because we love the lost. We give because Christ loves the lost and we love Christ.

Missions is not about your heart for the lost! Missions is about God’s heart for the lost!

Two sodas a day is about$3.00 or $1,056.00 a year. Do we love the lost as much as we love soda?    (Reprinted with permission)

I have finally began telling people who are critical of Revival Now’s emphasis to the nations by saying, “…God told me to do it; and I just didn’t have the guts to tell Him no!”

There are go-ers and there are senders. I am called to the nations. You may never travel over 100 miles away from your hometown. You may be called to Lanett, Montgomery, Houston, or Skipperville, Alabama. God’s calling for you may be to work with troubled youth or to lead churched youth into a deeper relationship with Christ. Your calling can be music, children, or even Senior Adults.

God will never send you to Africa until you are willing to go across the street and share Jesus with a neighbor. Don’t worry, you’ll never get to minister in Japan if you are not willing to share Jesus in the check out at Walmart.

Start where you are! And don’t compare your calling with my calling. When we compare our calling and anointing with someone else, two things will happen:
First we will be filled with pride that we can do it so much better that that person is doing ministry; or secondly, we will experience shame and embarrassment that we don’t measure up to what another person is doing. Measure yourself by the yardstick of Jesus.

May we take the words of John Wesley to heart: “I look upon all the world as my parish; thus far I mean, that, in whatever part of it I am, I judge it meet, right, and my bounden duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation. This is the work which I know God has called me to; and sure I am that His blessing attends it. Great encouragement have I, therefore, to be faithful in fulfilling the work He hath given me to do. His servant I am, and, as such, am employed according to the plain direction of His Word, ‘As I have opportunity, doing good unto all men’; and His providence clearly concurs with his Word; which has disengaged me from all things else, that I might singly attend on this very thing, ‘and go about doing good.’” - John Wesley, The Journal of John Wesley, May 28, 1739.

Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might…Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV

Ministry News:

On April 7, I will travel again to Kenya East Africa for the first of four different Kenya outreach trips scheduled for 2013. Our plans were to conduct our first Pastors Training in Lodwar Northern Kenya April 11-13, but because of circumstances beyond our control we are postponing those meetings until August. April 15-24 we will lead the April Session of the Maasai Vocational Leaders Training in Kilgoris; then April 25-28 we will sponsor the April 2013 Youth Camp & Conference for the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Kenya.

Your giving is vital in helping us to continue to fulfill our part of the Great Commission. God is opening many doors for this ministry. The nations of the world are literally calling us every day with a cry, “come over and help us!” Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit and being part of the team. As I always say, many souls are being credited to your account in heaven!

David & Pam